Self referrals
There are a number of services locally that you are able to make self referrals to.
- Carers
- Drugs and alcohol
- Exercise
- Maternity
- Mental health
- Podiatry
- Physiotherapy
- Sexual health
- Stop smoking
- Young carers
- Youth counselling
- Weight management
GP referrals
To request a GP referral:
- fill out a referral request form
- phone us on Royal Manor Health Centre 01305 820422 or The Gatehouse Surgery 01305 820422
Provide as much information as you can as this will help us to process your request.
Tracking a referral
To track an existing referral:
- fill out a track a referral form
- phone us on Royal Manor Health Centre 01305 820422 or The Gatehouse Surgery 01305 820422
NHS e-Referral tracking
If your doctor has referred you to a specialist for further care you will be asked to book your appointment using the ‘NHS e-Referral’ system.
You will receive a letter from us within 2 weeks giving details of how to book your appointment and any passwords you may need.
To track your e-Referral you will need the following details to log into the e-Referral website:
- Your date of birth
- Reference number – this will be on the first page of your letter
- Password – this will be on the second page of your letter